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Pinnacle Peak Animal Hospital

Hospice Care

We strive to provide the best quality of life possible for pets who may be suffering from a terminal condition or disease.


We know how difficult it can be to see your pet suffer from old age or an illness. We are passionate about providing the best quality of life possible for an animal who may be suffering from a terminal condition or disease.

Why would my pet need hospice care?

The goal of veterinary hospice care is to maintain a good quality of life for your pet as long as possible while they are suffering from a terminal illness. Hospice care shifts from treating a patient's illness to keeping them comfortable and happy, while avoiding any form of treatment that could have significant effects on the pet.

When is hospice care appropriate?

Hospice care is typically appropriate for a pet if they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, have a life-expectancy in the range of a few days to months, and the pet owner does not want to euthanize at this time. Hospice care can give pet owners peace of mind knowing that they helped their beloved pet live a life that was as long and happy as possible.

How is hospice care structured?

Typical treatment options in hospice care may include nutritional support, ensuring proper hydration, managing symptoms, assisting with urination and defecation, keeping pets well-groomed and clean, helping pets move around their environment safely, and providing mental stimulation and plenty of love.

How do we determine quality of life?

Our veterinarians can have discussions about making the end of life journey as comfortable as possible. We utilize a Quality of Life Scale to measure your pets daily activities and help open the dialogue prior to euthanasia. Through the use of pharmaceutical, nutraceuticals, supplements and other pet products (harnesses/support systems) we can help keep your pet comfortable until you are ready for euthanasia.

To view our Quality of Life Scale, please download the free Adobe Acrobat reader to view our PDF.